Office: |
3600 Bell Drive Ste A Hurst, TX 76053 |
Phone: |
817-399-1300 |
Text/SMS: |
817-988-6942 |
Email: |
Info@MidnightHourMoving.com Email & Quote Forms replied to before phone calls. |
Home > Moving F.A.Q |
1) Q: Does the customer need to be there during the move.
A: YES, This would seem like a no brainer but this happens a few times a week.
- The customer always needs to be there during the move!
- Not your boyfriend, sister, Mommy, Daddy, cousin Ted or Uncle bill...
- If you are having your stuff moved you need to be there!
- It never fails - every time we do one of these moves the "real" customer comes home and says "why is this put over there"
- and the boyfriend, sister, aunt, uncle or who ever was there, shrugs their shoulders and says I don't know.
- Then the customer is on the phone ranting and raving why something wasn't moved or why something was placed somewhere.
- In case you are wondering if we go back out for free and fix whatever it is in these scenarios, the answer is no.
- The customer should have been there during their move.
- This includes having to leave to get keys, pick up your kid from swim practice or climbing a tree to save a monkey.
- Quit trying to cram 50 things into moving day.
- Pick up the keys the day before the move...
- Set up the cable guy for the next day AFTER the move... you can go a day without watching big brother...
- But what do I know?
- Your the customer - i'm just a big dummy spending time typing this up for you to ignore it.
2) Q: Do you supply mattress bags?
- If you want a mattress bagged prior to loading please let the us know now or let the crew know onsite.
- NO the crew cannot "shrink wrap" your mattress. If you want it covered it needs to be bagged.
- Our trucks are stocked with thick 4 mil. mattress bags available for purchase.
- For current pricing please visit: www.midnighthourmoving.com/packing.html
3) Q: Do the movers accept tips?
A: YES! This is hard work and much of the time a undervalued line of work.
- We go through 100-200 guys a year to maintain an average of 12-14 guys at any given time.
You think you can do this? Click here for employment information! We are always hiring... Always.
4) Q: What forms of payments do you accept?
A: Cash, Credit Card & Debit Card. We do not accept checks or money orders.
- If you do want to pay with a credit or debit card we charge a 3% convenience fee to cover the card cost...
- Don't like the 3% fee? Pay in cash....
- Want a discount for paying in cash? - You got one! You saved 3% by paying cash!
- Payment is due at completion of the move. If you need to run to the bank, ATM the clock starts back up.
- If your deemed a trouble customer by the lead prepayment half way through the unload may be required.
5) Q: Will you take toll roads?
A: If a customer wants crew to take tolls there is a $10 charge per truck per trip on toll roads.
- Our trucks/trailers count as 4 axles. Single one way trip Grapevine to Mckinney on 121 is around $15.00
6) Q: How long have you been in business?
A: To damn long... heh October 2005 is when I did our first move... It was horrible!
- However - I knew my wife wouldn't let me sit at home all day... so here we are....
- Growing up I was always told being a small business owner was the American dream...
- I think something went wrong - now im just grumpy... all the time...
7) Q: How far in advance do I need to book my move?
A: Everything is first come first serve.
- If you think waiting till the day before you have to be out is the right time to start calling around for "prices"...
- .... Call someone else!
- I've moved way to many of these unpacked, unorganized stressed out customers over the years. YOU stress US out!
- Or my favorite one yet... "my movers didnt show up can you move me right now!".
- Ohh... you mean your $20 dollar an hour craigslist movers?
- Never fails.... last Saturday of every month I get 10-15 of these calls before 10am...
8) Q: I just booked a labor ONLY service, do I need to get rental blankets with my rental truck?
A: ... We get asked this alot and the obvious answer would be YES.
- You rented the truck, you need to rent the blankets with the truck.
- Dont be that "customer" and rent 6 blankets and call it good... For a estimate on the number of blankets needed Click Here
- Unless you want everything scratched, nicked and broken?
9) Q: Does MHM moving trucks come with moving blankets?
A: Yes! Each truck comes with at least 70 moving blankets. 2-24ft trucks would have at least 140 blankets.
- We use high quality blankets which costs $16.00 each or $1,100.00 per truck.
- I mention this in hopes I can stop that random customer that thinks its no big deal to keep one when the crews not looking.
10) Q: When does my clock start?
A: The clock starts when the crew arrives at the load location and the clock will continue to run until job and payment is complete.
- This means crew is paid and they are leaving.
- If you have to call Mommy or spend 30-45 mins running up to the bank - the clock will still be running.
- You want the crew to be respectful of your time, please be respectful of theirs.
11) Q: Does Midnight Hour Moving do flat rate moves?
A: No! We have been burned by to many customers and the "just one more thing".
- When a customer is paying by the hour and they want to keep saying "just one more box, one more box, one more box"
- they tend to be more mindful of the clock.
- I get it... your worried about them milking the clock...
- Sometimes I wish this was the case because trust me, the guys dont want to be there any longer then they have to...
- Im constantly pushing them to take their time to not damage stuff, blanket shrink wrap when they can but it always seems like
- it can take them 2 hours to GET to the job in the morning but once they get there they need to hurry and finish to go home... ARGH!
12) Q: Will I be hit with any hidden charges when my move is done?
A: NO!
- Everything is disclosed during booking.
- Everything is listed on this website.
- Everything is listed in the confirmation email.
- Everything is listed on the contract and signed for prior to the move starting.
- However - Then we run into the "husband and wife" that refuse to communicate with each other and details slip through the cracks...
- It's always good to have the wifey book and be there during the move to eliminate any confusion.
- Sorry hubbies, it is what it is.
- Take the kiddos out for ice cream or something on move day...
13) Q: How much time do I need?
A: Every move is different.
- Disclose everything 100% at the time of booking...
- With that being said... customers never disclose everything and this is how our crews get to running behind.
- Just because you "forget" to mention you are moving to a 3rd floor or "forget" to mention your 3rd bedroom is packed like a storage unit
- and will fill up the truck by itself does NOT make the move any faster or cheaper.
- All it does is screw up the day for the move that is booked after you.
- If your a hoarder it's going to take longer then normal to move you!
- I don't care how much stuff you have, just be upfront with it!
- Or if you book your move that is supposed to be a quick 1 bedroom 1st floor to 1st floor...
- Do you really think once we get there were not going to notice the 3rd floor climb to your front door?
- Or the 2 extra bedrooms in your 1 bedroom apartment?
- C'mon people... Im getting to old to get chewed out daily because a crew is running behind from being stuck on your move.
14) Q: When I book a move, will you call the day before my move and cancel?
A: No but what company would admit to this?
- Look at our reviews on google, does anyone complain we just cancelled on them?
- Now - I would be lying to you if I said in the 16+ years I have been doing this we have never had an employee issue and ran super late
- or had to push a job to the next morning. This is rare but it has happened before.
15) Q: I need to cancel or reschedule, is there a fee?
A: NO ... and yes! All we ask for is communication.
- If your one of those customers that ignores your phone for our confirmation call 1-3 days before the move
- The ETA call the day of your move.
- You let us drive to you and knock on your door.....
- Then we find out "ohh I thought my mommy called and cancelled you guys"....
- Then yes...
- I have no problem telling you there is a $50.00 cancellation fee before you ever go on our calendar again.
- Im sure there is no chance of collecting this randomly from you at your door after we wasted all that time and fuel to get there but!
- Atleast we can track/log and keep you from doing it to us again.
- For those of you that find out the day before your move that closing on your new home got pushed off no problem.
- It happens all the time! Just let us know and we will move you to the next open time slot we have.
- Now that was easy!
16) Q: You use trailers, are these enclosed trailers?
A: YES, a cargo trailer is the exact same box that is used on a box truck. Its just on its own wheels and not the bed of a truck...
- Most of our trailers are bigger than boxes used on penske or budget trucks.
- But your right - when you lift that box 4 feet into the air it "looks" bigger...
- The trailer dims are 24'(L) x 8'(H) x 8.5'(W)
- I thought about posting up uhaul and penske truck dims here but id hate to take the fun of googling away from you.
- I actually prefer sending box trucks to jobs. Jobs take longer as they take longer to load/unload.
- Trailer - 8ft wide ramp and 1ft off the ground.
- Box truck - 2.5ft wide ramp and 4ft off the ground.
17) Q: What size truck do I need?
A: Please visit our local move page for truck recommendations. Click Here
18) Q: How do you charge after the crews min?
A: After the crews minimum hours, the clock is charged by the 1/4 hour..
1 hours & 59 mins = 2 hour 00min charge
2 hours & 01 mins = 2 hour 15min charge
2 hours & 15 mins = 2 hour 15min charge
2 hours & 16 mins = 2 hour 30min charge
2 hours & 30 mins = 2 hour 30min charge
2 hours & 31 mins = 2 hour 45min charge
2 hours & 45 mins = 2 hour 45min charge
2 hours & 46 mins = 3 hour 00min charge
2 hours & 59 mins = 3 hour 00min charge
Example: Hourly rate @ $125.00/hr / 15 mins = $31.25 per 1/4 hour.
1 hour and 15 mins would equal $125.00 + $31.25
19) Q: Is it cheaper to move on a weekday vs. a weekend?
A: No. All rates are the same 7 days a week.
20) Q: Is there a trip fee?
A: YES - The trip fee is included in the first 2 hour charge.
- If you are located outside of our local area there might be an additional charge to cover fuel and time to/from that location.
- Example:
- 2 man crew with a single 24ft truck = $275 for the first 2 hours.
- Is easier to say than:
- 2 man crew with a single 24ft truck = $100 per hour with a 2 hour min and a $75 trip fee.
- Disclaimer: The above pricing is an example. A full disclosure of how the pricing works. It may not match what our real current pricing is.
No, we will not match the price given as an example. Yes, you are annoying.
21) Q: Will you hook up water lines?
A: Yes. We will hook up or disconnect water lines on your fridge or washer at the customer's request.
- To avoid any issue we suggest you already have water lines disconnected prior to the move and tell the crew you will hook them up.
- MHM does not take responsibility for water leaking and damaging homes or apartments.
- We are not plumbers and we only do this as a courtesy at customers request.
- I strongly suggest knowing where your main water shut off is prior to attempting to disconnect.
- I strongly suggest looking behind your fridge or washer after hookup sevral times over the next few days to make sure nothing is leaking.
- Water lines DO break.
- It is the customers responsibility to watch appliances after disconnect/reconnect for water leaks.
- We are not plumbers.
- Washer hoses are bad about rusting on the valve and the pvc pipe in the wall breaks very easy.
- MHM is NOT liable for any water damage.
22) Q: What do I do with lamps and lamp shades?
A: You put them in a box....
- If you don't want to put your lamp shades in a box, then move them in your personal car....
- If you still do not like either one of these options....
- We can put them in the moving truck where they will be converted into crinkled up origami figure that bring a whole new look to your lamp.

If you did not catch on to the sarcasm here, YOU PUT THEM IN A BOX!
23) Q: What if everything does not fit in the truck?
A: It's time to have a garage sale!
- However if you really need that stuff that hasn't seen the light of day in 15 years...
- We will have to make a second trip or setup a following service to finish at another time.
- This kind of goes along with with disclosing everything during booking.
- Yes a 1400 sqft home will fit in a 24ft truck..... However if have ever played "marco polo" in your living room you may need more trucks.
24) Q: Can I leave items in dresser drawers?
A: NO... and YES.... Alot of customers are confused on what clothes only means....
- Below is a example of what a past customer understood by us telling them "clothes only left in the drawers".
So to make it simple... Everything must be removed and packed into boxes.
Unless you understand whats wrong in this picture... then feel free to leave clothes in the drawers.
25) Q: When will my moving crew arrive?
A: Every move is booked with an arrival window and we give every customer a 30 min heads up when the crew is on its way to you.
- So when you book your move and are given an arrival window of lets say 9am-12pm. The movers will be there at 9am right?
- Not unless you get a call at 8:30 am saying the crew is 30 mins out.
- The words "arrival window" are used during:
- Quote process.
- Booking process.
- Confirmation phone call 1-3 days before the move.
- I'm horrible at math but I think that's 3 times we try to let customers know that its an arrival window...
- Im not sure how to make this more clear but we get customers that don't seem to grasp this at least 3-4 times
a week....
- I'm open to ideas, got any?
26) Q: Do our employees speak English?
A: YES, we ONLY hire in guys that can speak clear English.
- Every member of our company will speak English, not just one. Just to be clear here...
- I have always wanted to learn Russian but that would take entirely to much vodka and my grammar and spelling is already bad enough!
27) Q: Do we move suitcases and bags?
A: YES - however we will not move the cheap thin trash bags that rip as you pick them up.
- If you are going to use trash bags make sure and use the thick contractor 3 mil thick bags.
- Keep in mind this does not give you the green light to pack your entire home in trash bags.
- The ONLY thing that should be in trash bags are items like pillows, comforters, cushions...
- If this answer confuses you please just put everything in boxes.
28) Q: Do we pad wrap furniture?
- I wish every customer would let us take the time to 100% blanket shrink wrap all of their furniture before we move it.
- However 90% of customers want the move done as quick as possible and push the crew to get loaded/unloaded as quick as possible.
- Its a 50/50 chance something will get scratched or broken on those moves.
- It might add and hour or two to a house move to blanket/shrink wrap everything..
- Come on people - yes that adds a few hundred bucks to the move but if something gets scratched you scream bloody murder that you paid
- $3,000.00 or your dead great great uncles sisters mothers friend from Germany gave that to you.
- 100lbs @ .60 cents - im only going to give you $60.00 for it.
- So go ahead - tell them not to wrap it.
- On that same note - employees like to cut corners.
- If you see them NOT wrapping it and you WANT it wrapped - Tell them to wrap it!
29) Q: Can my Ikea furniture be moved?
A: Yes but Why? Sorry, let me be more clear...WHY?!?
- Look at it this way.
- Any furniture that comes in a box and fits in a shopping cart but yet is the size of a car when put together should never be moved.
- This is disposable throw away furniture.
- I am sorry to have to be the one that tells you this because i'm sure you spent some money on it but....
- There is a reason why you bought a $500.00 bed in a box instead of a solid high quality $5000.00 bed.
- Ikea furniture CAN be moved but remember the 3 hours and 100 screws it took you to put it together the first time.
- Moving this means breaking it all back down to shopping cart size and hours of putting it all back together.
- Or Attempting to move it whole which will end up filling the dumpster before the move is over...
30) Q: Do all my boxes need to be sealed? Do I really need to put "everything" in a box?
A: Look at the pictures below.... Ask yourself, which would you want move?
- The more packed and ready to move you are the faster the move will go = the cheaper the move will be for you.
- The more loose "stuff" there is the longer the move will take = the higher the move will cost.
31) Q: Will you move me in the rain?
A: Yes and No... a light drizzle or mist is no big deal.
However when the temps get below 40-50 this is when our crews start to get sick.
We try to reach out to customers prior to bringing a crew in to make sure a customer wants to move in the rain.
But its always the same answer - "I have to be out today or this is the only day I have to move".
Then the rain doesnt let up and...
Crew knocks on the door and customer says its raining... can we reschedule.... or "ohh its raining.. When did that start?".... ...
There is a few things to know about moving in the rain.
1 - Your stuff is going to get wet and possibly soaked.
YES - We will do what we can to protect everything from getting wet.
NO - we dont have a tarp to cover from the truck to the front door....
2 - Like I mentioned above. The crew will move in light or mist rain. Hard rain the crew will have to wait for it to slow down.
NO - We do not stop the clock if we have to wait for the rain to let up.
Yes - You can avoid paying the crew to sit and watch the rain by rescheduling before we send them out.
3 - Your move WILL take longer. Walking around rivers, puddles and going slower on ramps will add time.
NO - We do not adjust the time.
4 - Risk of damage increases - Alot.
YES - Most damage claims from moving in the rain are denied.
5 - Water and mud WILL get on your carpets in both location.
NO - We dont have them cleaned after the move.
YES - Our goal is NOT to bring it into your home but after a few hundred trips in and out its going to happen.
Moving in the rain sucks - most of the time customers complain about SOMETHING after a move is done in the rain.
We dont have a magic answer, we cannot control the weather.
If you want to move in the rain, please dont complain after.
I understand alot of customers want to "wait" and see how the weather looks closer to move time.
However I need time to stop crews. If your move time is 8am-10am arrival window most crews are getting up and going at 6am.
Please dont wait till they are knocking on your door to cancel or try and reschedule.
32) Q: Will you move TV's that are NOT boxed?
A: YES... But...
- We move over 100 flat screen tvs of all sizes every month without a problem.
- However, there is a risk everytime one is moved that is NOT properly boxed.
- We CAN move it NOT boxed by blanketing the hell out of it and strapping it to the wall of the truck.
- IF it breaks. Your 65" flat screen tv is only worth around $30.00
Standard Liability
Included on every service free of charge.
All licensed movers have a basic liability of $.60 per pound, per article.
For example, if your 50 pound television is damaged during your move, your mover is liable
for a maximum of $30.00 (50 lbs. X 0.60 = $30.00). While your mover cannot reduce the amount
of liability below $.60 per pound, per article; they can agree to a higher amount of liability
which must be agreed upon in writing by both parties and which may come at an additional cost to you.
Remember, this is not insurance.
Required for MHM Liability Protection
Customer must pay their service bill in full at time of service.
Blanket & Shrink wrap of all furniture.
All damaged items including any packaging/boxes must be left as is when damage is found for MHM to investigate.
Not Covered by MHM Liability Protection
Jewelery, Important Documents, Cash Money etc.
Move in or out of a Storage Facility, POD/Container, House garage, Apartment garage, or any type of rental truck.
Natural Stone, Granite, Marble, Limestone, Travertine, Slate, Glass.
Contents of boxes unless boxes or containers were physically damaged by the movers.
Items packed in Platic Bags or Luggage.
Items left in appliances, Dressers, Chest of Drawers, Filling Cabinets or any other furniture or item with drawers.
Any Furniture constructed partially or totally with particle board, chipboard or engineered wood.
Mechanical condition of audio, visual, electronic equipment or appliances where there is no physical damage.
Food, Live Plants or other perishable commodities.
Damages caused from Liquides, Flammable fuels and Gases.
Open top boxes or not properly packed items.
Appliances or electronic items where there is no physical damage.
Previously damaged or repaired items.
Pairs and Sets. Only the item damaged will be covered.
Missing hardware for items that were not disassembled by MHM.
Acts of god, Arson, Terrorists, Water/Rain, Flooding, Tornado, Earthquake, Hail and Wind.
Safe assembly of Baby cribs, bunk beds & other furniture needing assembly.
(It is the customers responsability to ensure safe assembly of furniture items before trusting its structural stability.)
Disconnecting and Reconnecting water lines to Washers and Refrigerators.
(Before use customer MUST ensure no leaking of the unit before using or leaving unattended.
Pipes in walls are plastic and weak, if they break we do not cover these. We are not plumbers. We do not cover water damage of any kind.)
MHM reserves the right to refuse service to any customer at any time or move any articles which in their sole judgment cannot be safely
moved by two people in which they may determine to be dangerous or potentially harmful to themselves.
Service Areas ** Cities listed but not limited to. ** |
Blue Mound
Blue Ridge
Cross Roads
Double Oak
Farmers Branch
Flower Mound
Fort Worth
Glenn Heights
Grand Prairie
Haltom City
Highland Park
Highland Village
Hudson Oaks
Lake Dallas
Lake Worth
Little Elm
North Richland Hills
Providence Village
Red Oak
Richland Hills
The Colony
Trophy Club
University Park
White Settlement
Willow Park
We can move you anywhere in Texas > Click Here < for more information!